01689 862825 | 07757 162114 info@rentadinosaur.co.uk

Rent A Dinosaur For Your Event

A dinosaur at your corporate, retail, educational or family event will be a huge attraction….literally!

An unusual and exciting attraction

If you want to draw a crowd, then what could be better than having a herd of life-like dinosaurs turn up! Not only will you get the dinosaurs, but our team of experienced dinosaur wranglers will work with you to create a unique and exciting show for your event.

So if you’re looking for a media buzz, a social media boost, or simply a bunch of excited and enthralled kids (including the ‘big kids’ too) then Rentadinosaur are ready and waiting to help you make it happen.

Upcoming Shows

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A Big Attraction For Big Events!


Headline acts don’t come much bigger than a herd of dinosaurs!


All eyes will be on our dinosaurs when they arrive at your festival

Family Fun Days

A unique experience for staff and their families


Utilise our prehistoric creatures to create a modern-day buzz

Shopping Centres

Attract the crowds to your retail event

Fossil Talks

We have a range of genuine and realistic dinosaur fossils to enhance any talk about the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Meet Our Dinos?
Let's Do It!